Sunday 13 September 2009


Gyda'i lais dwfn, ma rhywyn yn syth yn eistedd i fyny a gwrando. Ei fab yw wrth gwrs Dyfrig Jones (Cynghorydd Gerlan). Mae John hefyd yn cynrychioli Plaid Cymru, ac yn siaradwr doeth pan mae yn dweud rhywbeth. Tydw i ddim wedi eistedd ar lawer o bwyllgorau efo John, ond mae'n dod drosodd yn ddyn clyfar, un sy'n meddwl pethau drwodd cyn dweud dim.

Wel dyma chi ddynes neis. Mae Mrs Forsyth yn ceisio siarad Cymraeg weithiau efo fi ac rwy'n gwerthfawrogi ei h'ymdrech. Yn cynrychioli y Lib Dems, mae hi nabod ei phobl yn dda. Mae hi yn eistedd ar bwyllgor lle dwi yn Cadeiryddio, ac yn amlwg o'i thrafodaeth mae wedi darllen y papurau yn drylwyr iawn. Does ganddi ddim byd drwg i ddweud am neb (gwahannol i rai o'r cynghorwyr o leiaf). Eto mae balchder dod o Fangor yn dangos dryodd ganddi ac yn mynny y gorau i'r Ddinas.

Cyn arweinydd y grwp Anibynnol tan iddo benderfyny rhoi gorau i'r arweinyddiaeth yn ddiweddar. Hogyn o Lanber, wedi gweithio i'r Cyngor fel archwiliwr am flynyddoedd (Yn Cyngor Arfon cyn hynny), yn chwaraewr snwcer o fri, ac yn un o drefnwyr ras yr Wyddfa. Os oes rhywyn yn tynny coes, Trefor yw yr un hwnnw. Tydi o ddim yn stopio.
Mae pawb yn falch ei fod wedi gwella o'i salwch, roedd i ffwrdd o'r Cyngor am beth amser ac roedd colled hebddo.

With his deep voice, one instantly sits up when John speaks and one listens. His son is of course Dyfrig Jones (Gerlan Councillor), and John also represents Plaid Cymru. John doesn't say much in debate, but when he does your sure it's going to be something sensible and moderate. I don't sit on many meetings with John, but he comes over as a clever person, who thinks through matters before opening his mouth.

A thoroughly lovely woman and I appreciate the fact that Mrs Forsyth attempts to speak Welsh with me most times. Representing the Lib-Dems, she understands her people and I am greatful that she is present at a meeting where I am the chair, as I can always guarantee that she has read the papers thoroughly and is well prepared with questions. She always has a kind word to say about everyone, (different to some councillors at least), and as a Bangorian, she is also proud to serve her city and community.

Trefor is the ex-leader of the Independant group in Gwynedd, and gave up recently as he has not been well. Born and bred in Llanberis, having been an Auditor in the council and previously with Arfon Borough Council. An avid snooker player 9also quite good at it) and one of the organisers of the Internationally acclaimed Snowdon Mountain Race. Constantly he is joking and winding people up - in fact he never stops. Everyone is pleased that he has fully recovered from his recent illness. He was away from the chamber for a long time and his presence was surely missed.

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