Newydd orffen mae'r diwethaf, ac mae'r nesaf ar fin cychwyn yn Awst. Beth fydd hanes Caerdydd eleni yn eu stadiwm newydd ?, a beth am Wrecsam ?, a'i eleni fyddent yn dyrchafu yn ol i'r Gynghrair Pel Droed yntau aros yn y Blue Squaere fydd eu hanes.
Cefais weld gem Wrecsam tymor diwethaf, ac roedd y safon yn warthus. A dweud y gwir mi fuasai gem Llanrug a Llanberis wedi rhoi mwy o fwynhad i mi na Wrecsom ac Ebbesfleet.
Dwi gyda teimlad yn y dwr mai eleni fydd Wrecsam yn ol ar frig y Blue Square ac yn dyrchafu i'r Gynghrair Genedlaethol Saesneg.
Beth am Cynghrair Cymru, rhaid dweud fod y safon wedi codi rhyw fymryn, ond mae lle i wella. Cawn weld.
The football season has only recently finished and it's due to re-start again during August. What holds for Cardiff in their new stadium this season ?, and what about Wrecsam ?, will they finish as champions of the Blue Square league and win promotion to the Football League ?
I saw a Wrecsam match last season, and the quality of the game was sub-standard. In fact a match between Llanrug and Llanberis would have given me more pleasure than Wrecsam and Ebbesfleet.
I have a feeling in my water that Wrecsam will gain promotion to the Football League this season.
What about the Welsh National League ? i must say that the quality has gone up slightly, but there is place for improvement. We shall see.
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