Pan yn fychan roedd cymaint yn son fod ar y dydd hwn (20ed o Orffennaf 1969) fod yna ddyn wedi glanio a cherdded ar y lleuad. Ers hynny wrth gwrs mae biliynnau wedi'w wario yn gyrru pobol i'r gofod du uwchben.
Gyda poblogaeth y byd yn llewygu, yn sychedig ac mewn rhyfeloedd onid yw yn amser i ddweud digon yw digon gan edrych ar gadw ein poblogaeth yn saff a diogel a gwario yr holl arian hyn ar ymweliadau i'r tywyllwch du ar y bobl sydd ar y ddaear yn barod.
Does gen i ddim owns o ddiddordeb os oes yna bobol bach gwyrdd allan yna, mae na bobol wyn, du a bob lliw dan haul yma ar y ddaear sydd angen cymorth gyntaf.
Yr un peth dwi yn teimlo am ryfeloedd. R'ydym wedi bod yn cwffio yn Iraq ac Afghanistan, rhyfeloedd roedd Georgie Bush ei eisiau er mwyn gorffen gwaith ei dadi George Bush Snr. Fe ddylai ein soldiwrs ddod adref, mae colli un bywyd mewn rhyfel ellid ei fod wedi'w osgoi yn ormod, ac dwi'n siwr fuasai eu teuluoedd yn falch o'i cael adref.
Yn y cyfamser fe ddylem gefnogi'r hogia sydd allan yna, rhai ohonynt dwi yn ei adnabod yn dda iawn, ond hogia bach, brysiwch adref.
As a youngster on this day in 1969 (20th of July), a man landed on the moon.
Since then billions of pounds has been spent in Space exploration.
People are starving, thirsty and in conflict, isn't it time to say enough is enough, and concentrate on keeping mankind safe and secure and spend this money on people already living on Earth.
I havent any interest whatsoever, on the chance of little green men out there. There are white, black and people of every colour on Earth already that need our help.
I feel the same about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are fighting a war that George Bush Jnr wanted as he wanted to finish off dadddy's job (George Bush Snr).
The soldiers should come home. Loosing one life in war gthat could have been avoided is too much, and i'm sure that soldiers' families would love their boys and girls to come home.
In the meantime,we should be supporting the soldiers out there, some I know well, but bois bach, hurry home.
In the meantime,we should be supporting the soldiers out there
They are all volunteers, none are conscripts!
Most knew, before joining, about the questions regarding the illegality of the Iraq war, but they joined up anyway
Every volunteer member of the armed forces knows beforehand that s/he could be killed defending a Queen and Country that I don’t believe in. When it happens tough sh**, why should I sympathise or support?
Sioni: Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions, hence why we live in a democratic country.