Mae Rhydian Fon James (aka Rodders) wedi chwthu fuse am Dafydd Iwan yn parcio mewn lle i'r Anabl. Mae ganddo lythyr heddiw yn y Daily Post yn ceisio cyfiawnhau ei arwr yn gwneud y ffasiwn beth. Diffyg mwyaf Rodders yw ei fod wedi'w ddallu gan wleidyddiaeth twp a gwirion Plaid Cymru ac ei fod yn coelio fod popeth Plaid Cymru yn dda a ffrwythlon ac mae pawb arall yn ddrwg ac yn wrth Gymreig.
Tydw i ddim wedi cael y pleser o gyfarfod Rodders ond mae'n helpu cadw'r mater hwn fynd a mynd.
Cangymeriad Dafydd Iwan oedd parcio mewn lle i'r anabl. Wedi fe ddechreuodd dyllu gan ddweud fod ganddo ganiatad "someone". Dwi wedi bod drwy lyfr ffon menwol y cyngor a does na neb o'r enw "Someone" yn gweithio yno felly sut mae Dafydd Iwan yn gwybod fod y "somebody" hwn yn gweithio i'r Cyngor, efallai fod ar ei wyliau yn yr ardal, efallai ei fod wedi denig o garchar yr heddlu neu efallai ei fod yn bodoli yn nychymyg Dafydd Iwan ei hunan. I glirio'r mater, beth am enw Dafydd.
Dwi wedi cymeryd llun o'r llecyn parcio anabl o swyddfeydd y cyngor ac wedi marcio yn well y bocsus er mwyn i Rodders weld yn glir. Fe ddylai Rodders wybod fod llecynau i'r anabl yn fwy nag arfer er mwyn gwneud lle i gadeiriau olwyn. Fe welir yn glir 3 lle parcio. Un o rhain oedd wedi'w cymeryd gan Dafydd Iwan.
Rhydian Fon James (aka Rodders)has blown a fuse regarding Dafydd Iwan parking in a space designated for the disabled. He has a totally riddicolous letter in today's Daily Post trying to justify the actions of his hero in parking in the disabled spot.
Rodders's major problems is that he is blinded by idiotic Plaid policies and that he believes that everything Plaid Cymru is good and great whilst others are bad and anti Welsh.
I havent had the pleasure of meeting Rodders yet, but he is helping us keep this matter going on and on.
Dafydd Iwan's mistake was parking in a designated disabled space. Then he started digging a large hole for himself by saying that "someone" had given him permission to park there. I have gone through the Council's internal directory and cannot find anyone called "someone" working for the Councilso how does Dafydd Iwan know he worked for the Council, he could have been on holiday in the area, perhaps "sommeone" had escaped from the custody suite of North Wales Police, or perhaps he only exists in Dafydd Iwan's mind. So to clear the matter of "somebody", perhaps Dafydd Iwan would like to give us his/her name.
I have taken a picture of the spot from the Council Offices, and clearly marked are the boxes denoting parking for the disabled. To make it clearer for "Rodders" I have re-marked so it is clearly visible. Rodders should know that designated spaces for the disabled generally are larger for wheelchair access. Clearly shown are 3 spaces. One of which was occupied by a fully fit Dafydd Iwan.
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