Er ei fod yn cynrychioli Plaid Cymru, bechod oedd dod adref i weld y newyddion efo Dewi. Dorrodd y stori ychydig cyn i mi fynd i ffwrdd ac rwyf newydd ddychwelyd i weld ei fod wedi mynd yn euog or cychwyn cyntaf.
Roeddwn yn gwneud yn iawn efo Dewi, er ei fod yn aelod o Blaid Cymru a thybiwn ei fod yn teimlo i'r byw erbyn nawr.
Ni allaf gyfiawnhau beth mae wedi ei wneud, fel na fedrwn gyfiawnhau beth ddigwyddodd efo Gwil ond, cefnogaeth sydd angen arnynt erbyn rwan.
Os ydi Dewi yn darllen y blog, gair o gysur ydi fydd y darn papur efo'i enw a'i lun arno heddiw yn papur chips erbyn fory.
mae'r tymor etholiadol hwn wedi bod yn fraw i bawb.
Y rhai rydym wedi ei golli ers etholiad 2008 fel a ganlyn.
Gwilym Euros (Blaenau)
Bob Anderson (Caernarfon)
J R Jones (Llandegai)
Richard Lloyd Jones (Blaenau)
Dafydd (Blaenau)
Dai Rees Jones (Bangor)
Dewi Lewis (Penrhyndeudraeth)
Tybiwn fydd yna o leiaf 3 arall yn mynd cyn yr etholiad nesaf.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Friday, 15 July 2011
Mae Llais Gwynedd ac aelodau o'r pleidiau eraill am i Gyngor Gwynedd wneud i ffwrdd a chodi am bob cadair a bwrdd gan fusnesau yn y Sir. Mae angen hybu twristiaeth a gwneud yn fawr or tywydd braf achlysurol rydym yn ei gael. Gwrthododd y Cadeirydd y cyfle i drafod y mater fel un brys yn y cyfarfod ddoe, felly rydym wedi rhoi rhybydd am gyfarfod brys yn Awst i drafod y mater. Ac os oes rhaid mi wnawn alw cyfarfod arall hefyd ddechrau Medi i drafod unrhyw fater arall hefyd os oes rhaid.
Llais Gwynedd and a number of members from the other parties as well want Gwynedd Council to do away with charging businessess for tables and chairs outside their premises. This promotes tourism from Abersoch to Caernarfon. The Chairman refused the opportunity to discuss the matter yesterday as an urgent item, so llais Gwynedd have tabled a motion under Rule 4 to hold a meeting during August to discuss the matter. If need be we will do this more often if another matter needs airing.
Llais Gwynedd and a number of members from the other parties as well want Gwynedd Council to do away with charging businessess for tables and chairs outside their premises. This promotes tourism from Abersoch to Caernarfon. The Chairman refused the opportunity to discuss the matter yesterday as an urgent item, so llais Gwynedd have tabled a motion under Rule 4 to hold a meeting during August to discuss the matter. If need be we will do this more often if another matter needs airing.
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Yn anffodus oherwydd pwysau gwaith mae Richard wedi ymddiswyddo fel Cynghorydd Llais Gwynedd ym Mlaenau Ffestiniog. Roedd Richard wrth gwrs yn gyn swyddog yn y Cyngor nes iddo adael oherwydd honiadau o fwlio ac mewn amser daeth yn gynghorydd sir.
Tros y misoedd diwethaf, mae wedi gwynebu amser caled gyda'i faban newydd a'i wraig yn cael eu rhuthro i'r ysbyty oherwydd salwch eithaf difrifol, yn ogystal, gan ei fod yn gweithio yn Machynlleth, roedd mynychu cyfarfodydd yn creu anhawsterau iddo ac felly roedd yn rhaid rhoi y teulu gyntaf.
Felly pob lwc i Rich i'r dyfodol, gan obeithio fod y wraig a'r babi newydd yn gwella ac yn cryfhau pob diwrnod.
Wrth gwrs mae blogiwr sydd hefyd yn Bennaeth ar Ysgol Trefor sef Cai Larsen yn ymfalchio ar y ffaith fod yna Gynghorydd yn ymddiswyddo wrth roi ei deulu yn gyntaf. A'i dyma sut dylai Pennaeth ysgol fahafio ? Wel fuasai rhywyn ddim yn disgwyl dim gwahannol gan Cai Larsen, oni fuasai yn well iddo warchod ei ysgol a'r plant sydd ynddi yn lle rhyw smalio edrych ar ol ysgolion bychan gan fod ei Blaid Cymru am eu cau ?
Mae wrth gwrs yn edrych ar ymddeol mewn ychydig ac felly tybiwn mai hynny yw ei brif darged, cyn fuaswn yn meddwl mynd am sedd Ioan Thomas yn y Cyngor.
Tros y misoedd diwethaf, mae wedi gwynebu amser caled gyda'i faban newydd a'i wraig yn cael eu rhuthro i'r ysbyty oherwydd salwch eithaf difrifol, yn ogystal, gan ei fod yn gweithio yn Machynlleth, roedd mynychu cyfarfodydd yn creu anhawsterau iddo ac felly roedd yn rhaid rhoi y teulu gyntaf.
Felly pob lwc i Rich i'r dyfodol, gan obeithio fod y wraig a'r babi newydd yn gwella ac yn cryfhau pob diwrnod.
Wrth gwrs mae blogiwr sydd hefyd yn Bennaeth ar Ysgol Trefor sef Cai Larsen yn ymfalchio ar y ffaith fod yna Gynghorydd yn ymddiswyddo wrth roi ei deulu yn gyntaf. A'i dyma sut dylai Pennaeth ysgol fahafio ? Wel fuasai rhywyn ddim yn disgwyl dim gwahannol gan Cai Larsen, oni fuasai yn well iddo warchod ei ysgol a'r plant sydd ynddi yn lle rhyw smalio edrych ar ol ysgolion bychan gan fod ei Blaid Cymru am eu cau ?
Mae wrth gwrs yn edrych ar ymddeol mewn ychydig ac felly tybiwn mai hynny yw ei brif darged, cyn fuaswn yn meddwl mynd am sedd Ioan Thomas yn y Cyngor.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Newydd gofio am rhywbeth rwan. Wsos yn ol es i siop leol yn ardal Twtil Caernarfon a dyma beth ddywedwyd wrthyf.
Mae Cyngor Gwynedd yn gwneud lot o bres o ddeunydd ailgylchu fel metel, a cardboard ayyb. Ond maent yn gwrthod i fasnachwyr busnes fynd yno. Pe buasent yn caniatau masnachwyr fynd a pethau i ail gylchu, oni fyddent yn gwneud mwy o arian ? Wn i ddim yw'r ateb ond dwi wedi addo gofyn y cwestiwn a dod yn ol at y siopwr. Ond maen gwestiwn eithaf synhwyrus a call.
Last week whilst in a local shop in Twtil Caernarfon, I was asked the question that because Commercial recycling is not allowed in Cibyn by the council and if they were allowed to take their cardboards and metal there, then the council would make more money ? I dint knwo the answer but promised to check and come back to the shop owner.
Fair play it was a good sensible question and it's worth an answer.
Mae Cyngor Gwynedd yn gwneud lot o bres o ddeunydd ailgylchu fel metel, a cardboard ayyb. Ond maent yn gwrthod i fasnachwyr busnes fynd yno. Pe buasent yn caniatau masnachwyr fynd a pethau i ail gylchu, oni fyddent yn gwneud mwy o arian ? Wn i ddim yw'r ateb ond dwi wedi addo gofyn y cwestiwn a dod yn ol at y siopwr. Ond maen gwestiwn eithaf synhwyrus a call.
Last week whilst in a local shop in Twtil Caernarfon, I was asked the question that because Commercial recycling is not allowed in Cibyn by the council and if they were allowed to take their cardboards and metal there, then the council would make more money ? I dint knwo the answer but promised to check and come back to the shop owner.
Fair play it was a good sensible question and it's worth an answer.
Be fuasai £250 miliwn yn ei brynu yma yng Nghymru. Faint o ysbytai, tai ac yn y blaen. Yn cadw Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru am o leiaf 20 blynedd nesaf a be mae llywodraeth Llundain yn ei wneud - ia ei wario ar fomiau mewn gwlad nad oeddynt yn fygythiad i ni yma.
Twp ta Be ?
Twp ta Be ?
Monday, 20 June 2011
Tydi hi yn fyd rhyfedd tra fod Prydain mewn dyledion enbyd yn dilyn ymadawiad Llafur o Llundain ond maen't yn dal yn gallu rhoi benthyciad i Groeg a Gwledydd eraill.
Oni ddylent sortio allan eu dyledion eu hunain gyntaf cyn rhoi benthyciadau i wledydd eraill !
Isn't it a funny old world, with the UK in a massive debt black hole, it still can find £5 billion to lend to Greece and other countries.
Shouldn't they first clear their own debts before then lending to others.
Oni ddylent sortio allan eu dyledion eu hunain gyntaf cyn rhoi benthyciadau i wledydd eraill !
Isn't it a funny old world, with the UK in a massive debt black hole, it still can find £5 billion to lend to Greece and other countries.
Shouldn't they first clear their own debts before then lending to others.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Mwy i ddilyn ar y pwnc diddorol hwn. Mae Cynghorydd i arwain ei gymuned. Tybed beth fuasai ei etholwyr yn dweud pan fyddent yn ymwybodol o'i luniau.
There will be more to follow on this interesting subject. A Councillor is to lead his community. Wonder what his electors will say when they see the kind of pictures he likes.
There will be more to follow on this interesting subject. A Councillor is to lead his community. Wonder what his electors will say when they see the kind of pictures he likes.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Dwi ddim yn hapus efo'r gwasanaeth sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd gan y Cwmni Cymunedol hwn.
Dro ar ol tro mae 3 allan o 5 galwad ffon dwi yn dderbyn gan drigolion Llanwnda yn ymwneud efo Tai Cymunedol.
Dwi yn ffonio a ffonio yn gyson ac dim byd yn digwydd. Dim galwadau yn ol i adael i mi wybod fod y mater yn cael sylw, dim galwadau yn ol i ddweud eu bod wedi cysylltu a'r tenant felly da ni yn cyrraedd gwagle lle does na ddim byd yn digwydd.
Y geiriau dwi yn ei gael gan denantiaid yw fod y gwasanaeth gan y cwmni newydd ma yn waeth nag yr oeddynt yn ei gael o dan y Cyngor.
Felly dwi yn y broses o ofyn i gynrychiolwyr etholiadol yr ardal i ofyn i Gaerdydd am yr hawl i denantiaid symyd oddiwrth eu Landlord i gyfundrefn tebyg arall. ee symyd oddiwrth Tai Cymunedol i efallai Tai Eryri.
Iawn petai hyn yn digwydd ar raddfa fawr, fuasai Tai Cymunedol o dan straen ariannol mawr.
Felly uwch swyddogion Tai Cymunedol sy'n darllen y blog hwn, tynnwch eich bysedd allan a dechreuwch weithredu eich addewidion i'r tenantiaid a symudwch ymlaen i wneud man atgyweirio, trwsio pethau bychan a ballu neu mi fyddech yn bysgodyn mawr mewn pwll bach.
Most of the complaints I have as a Councillor is regarding the Council Houses (Tai Cymunedol Houses).
I am certainly not happy with their communications and methodology of working.
I am on the phone a few times a week and no one calls me back to say what is happening or the work is underway.
I am literally fed up about the service they "allege" to provide to their tenants.
Tenants tell me that the service is even worse than they received under the Council landlordship.
So I am asking our elected representatives in Cardiff to try and get an ammendment to the act so that Tenants that are unhappy with their social landlords can move to another simmilar organisation. eg Move from Tai Gwynedd to perhaps Tai Eryri.
Now if this happened on a large scale then it could financially cripple Tai Gwynedd.
or you will find yourselves being a big fish in a very little pond.
Perhaps you might now realise I am not a happy bunny, nor are your tenants.
In the summer I am leaving a questionairre to all tenants in my ward asking for feedback on the service they provide. Will print out the result.
Dro ar ol tro mae 3 allan o 5 galwad ffon dwi yn dderbyn gan drigolion Llanwnda yn ymwneud efo Tai Cymunedol.
Dwi yn ffonio a ffonio yn gyson ac dim byd yn digwydd. Dim galwadau yn ol i adael i mi wybod fod y mater yn cael sylw, dim galwadau yn ol i ddweud eu bod wedi cysylltu a'r tenant felly da ni yn cyrraedd gwagle lle does na ddim byd yn digwydd.
Y geiriau dwi yn ei gael gan denantiaid yw fod y gwasanaeth gan y cwmni newydd ma yn waeth nag yr oeddynt yn ei gael o dan y Cyngor.
Felly dwi yn y broses o ofyn i gynrychiolwyr etholiadol yr ardal i ofyn i Gaerdydd am yr hawl i denantiaid symyd oddiwrth eu Landlord i gyfundrefn tebyg arall. ee symyd oddiwrth Tai Cymunedol i efallai Tai Eryri.
Iawn petai hyn yn digwydd ar raddfa fawr, fuasai Tai Cymunedol o dan straen ariannol mawr.
Felly uwch swyddogion Tai Cymunedol sy'n darllen y blog hwn, tynnwch eich bysedd allan a dechreuwch weithredu eich addewidion i'r tenantiaid a symudwch ymlaen i wneud man atgyweirio, trwsio pethau bychan a ballu neu mi fyddech yn bysgodyn mawr mewn pwll bach.
Most of the complaints I have as a Councillor is regarding the Council Houses (Tai Cymunedol Houses).
I am certainly not happy with their communications and methodology of working.
I am on the phone a few times a week and no one calls me back to say what is happening or the work is underway.
I am literally fed up about the service they "allege" to provide to their tenants.
Tenants tell me that the service is even worse than they received under the Council landlordship.
So I am asking our elected representatives in Cardiff to try and get an ammendment to the act so that Tenants that are unhappy with their social landlords can move to another simmilar organisation. eg Move from Tai Gwynedd to perhaps Tai Eryri.
Now if this happened on a large scale then it could financially cripple Tai Gwynedd.
or you will find yourselves being a big fish in a very little pond.
Perhaps you might now realise I am not a happy bunny, nor are your tenants.
In the summer I am leaving a questionairre to all tenants in my ward asking for feedback on the service they provide. Will print out the result.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Yn yr 80'au roedd HA HA TY HA yn slogan pan oedd Tai Ha yn cael eu llosgi gan fod pobol lleol ddim yn gallu fforddio i brynu tai yn eu pentrefi/trefi genedigol.Yn answyddogol wrth gwrs roedd yna gefnogaeth gan nifer oedd yn cytuno a'r ymgyrch.
Roedd Cymdeithas yr Iaith, Plaid Cymru ac nifer o bwysigion Cymru yn erbyn i bobol o du allan i brynu tai yng Nghymru a'i gwneud yn dai haf.
Rwan tydi pethau wedi newid.
Faint o aelodau Plaid Cymru sydd efo Tai Hâf ?
Wel galwch o yn dy haf neu "dy teuluol" (ond da ni ddim yn byw yna ac ddim eisiau ei werthu o gan ei fod wedi bod yn y teulu ers blynyddoedd) - ond y gwir amdani ydi mai TY HAF ydio.
Rwan lle mae Ieuan Wyn Jones dyddiau yma ?
Mewn "apartment yn Ffrainc" - Dylid gofyn y cwestiwn os mai ei "Apartment" ef ydi o ynteu llogi'r ystafell y mae.
Hefyd beth am aelodau eraill o Blaid Cymru sydd yng Nghaerdydd a Llundain ?
A oes ganddynt Dai Haf yn rhywle yn y byd ? Sgwn I ?
Mae na air Saesneg da i'r aeldoau yma o Blaid Cymru sydd yn cadw tai haf - Hypocrites.
During the 1980's HA HA TY HA (HA HA HOLIDAY HOME) was a slogan that was used when Holiday Home Campaign was at it's strongest.
Im sure most of you remember the sattirical program "Not the 9'o clock news" where they had a coal fire with flames and the slogan "Come home to a real fire - buy a cottage in Wales"
It was mainly due to the fact that local people were being priced out of the housing market by rich incomers taking the houses.
Now unofficially of course, there was a lot of support from many who agreed with the campaign.
The Welsh Language Society, Plaid Cymru and many of the "important" Welsh icons, were voiceforous in their attack on the holiday home culture. - and rightly so as well.
How have things changed.
How many of the Plaid Cymru members own a second home ?
Call it a "Holiday Home" or a "house that has been in the family for years and we don't want it to leave the family so we keep it for ourselves" - it is still a "HOLIDAY HOME".
Now where is Ieuan Wyn Jones these days ?
In an apartment in France on holiday.
The question that should be asked is: Has he rented it or does he own it ?
Also how many of our elected representatives from Plaid Cymru own a Holiday Home ?
I wonder !
The word for people who preach one thing and do another is hypocrites.
I will do a FOI on it and see what it brings me.
Roedd Cymdeithas yr Iaith, Plaid Cymru ac nifer o bwysigion Cymru yn erbyn i bobol o du allan i brynu tai yng Nghymru a'i gwneud yn dai haf.
Rwan tydi pethau wedi newid.
Faint o aelodau Plaid Cymru sydd efo Tai Hâf ?
Wel galwch o yn dy haf neu "dy teuluol" (ond da ni ddim yn byw yna ac ddim eisiau ei werthu o gan ei fod wedi bod yn y teulu ers blynyddoedd) - ond y gwir amdani ydi mai TY HAF ydio.
Rwan lle mae Ieuan Wyn Jones dyddiau yma ?
Mewn "apartment yn Ffrainc" - Dylid gofyn y cwestiwn os mai ei "Apartment" ef ydi o ynteu llogi'r ystafell y mae.
Hefyd beth am aelodau eraill o Blaid Cymru sydd yng Nghaerdydd a Llundain ?
A oes ganddynt Dai Haf yn rhywle yn y byd ? Sgwn I ?
Mae na air Saesneg da i'r aeldoau yma o Blaid Cymru sydd yn cadw tai haf - Hypocrites.
During the 1980's HA HA TY HA (HA HA HOLIDAY HOME) was a slogan that was used when Holiday Home Campaign was at it's strongest.
Im sure most of you remember the sattirical program "Not the 9'o clock news" where they had a coal fire with flames and the slogan "Come home to a real fire - buy a cottage in Wales"
It was mainly due to the fact that local people were being priced out of the housing market by rich incomers taking the houses.
Now unofficially of course, there was a lot of support from many who agreed with the campaign.
The Welsh Language Society, Plaid Cymru and many of the "important" Welsh icons, were voiceforous in their attack on the holiday home culture. - and rightly so as well.
How have things changed.
How many of the Plaid Cymru members own a second home ?
Call it a "Holiday Home" or a "house that has been in the family for years and we don't want it to leave the family so we keep it for ourselves" - it is still a "HOLIDAY HOME".
Now where is Ieuan Wyn Jones these days ?
In an apartment in France on holiday.
The question that should be asked is: Has he rented it or does he own it ?
Also how many of our elected representatives from Plaid Cymru own a Holiday Home ?
I wonder !
The word for people who preach one thing and do another is hypocrites.
I will do a FOI on it and see what it brings me.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Gan fawr obeithio fydd y tywydd yn dal i'r 'Steddfod yn Abertawe. Pob hwyl i'r cystadleuwyr oll o bob pegwn o Gymru, ac o bob Ysgol megis rhai mawr a rhai bach. Cofier wrth gwrs i ysgol y Parc (sef ysgol mae plaid Cymru wedi pendefynny ei gau) wedi bod yn fuddugol yn erbyn cewri canu sef Ysgol Glanaethwy mewn Steddfod a fu.
Faint mwy o Ysgolion mae Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd eisiau cau gan amddifadu ein plant o'r cyfle i fod yn rhan o gôr, timau peldroed, timau rownders a dawnsio gwerin ?
Mi gefais I y cyfle pan ym mhlentyn i gymeryd rhan.
O dan arweinyddiaeth Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd, ni fydd y cyfle yna fwyach i blant ein plant.
Faint mwy o Ysgolion mae Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd eisiau cau gan amddifadu ein plant o'r cyfle i fod yn rhan o gôr, timau peldroed, timau rownders a dawnsio gwerin ?
Mi gefais I y cyfle pan ym mhlentyn i gymeryd rhan.
O dan arweinyddiaeth Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd, ni fydd y cyfle yna fwyach i blant ein plant.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Newydd godi neges i fyny rwan fod o leiaf 3 Cynghorydd Plaid Cymru wedi ymddiswyddo o'r grwp a'r Gyngor Gwynedd yn dilyn y penderfynniad i gau Ysgol y Parc.
Mae hyn yn drawiadol ac yn ergyd i Blaid Cymru. Unwaith y caf gadarnhad gan y swyddog monitro wsos nesaf mi gyhoeddaf eu h'enwau.
I have just picked up a message now that at least 3 Plaid Councillors in Gwynedd have resigned as members of the Party following Plaid's decision to close Ysgol y Parc.
This is a devestating hit for the group in Gwynedd and once I have it confirmed by the monitoring officer then I will publish their names.
Mae hyn yn drawiadol ac yn ergyd i Blaid Cymru. Unwaith y caf gadarnhad gan y swyddog monitro wsos nesaf mi gyhoeddaf eu h'enwau.
I have just picked up a message now that at least 3 Plaid Councillors in Gwynedd have resigned as members of the Party following Plaid's decision to close Ysgol y Parc.
This is a devestating hit for the group in Gwynedd and once I have it confirmed by the monitoring officer then I will publish their names.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Dwi ddim yn meddwl y dylai IWJ ymddiswyddo fel arweinydd. Dim ei fai ef ydi perfformiad gwael Plaid Cymru yn hytrach methiant y blaid i gysylltu yn ol efo'r union bobol sydd wedi pleidleisio iddynt tros y degawdau ydi bai y methiant. Mae angen iddynt newid polisiau.
Tra fod Cynghorwyr Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd (namyn 6) yn pleidleisio i gau ysgolion bychan, mae Cynghorwyr Plaid Cymru yn weddill Cymru yn brwydro i'w cadw yn agored. Ar wahan i Lanelli, Dwyfor/Meirionnydd wnaeth plaid Cymru waethaf sef colli 13% o gefnogwyr.
Rwan petai Llais gwynedd yn sefyll yn Arfon ac Hywel yn colli hyd yn oed 8% o'i gefnogwyr, ni fuasai wedyn yn cynrychioli Plaid Cymru yn San Steffan.
I don't think it was the fault of IWJ that Plaid had a terrible election and he should not resign as leader. It is the constant failure of Plaid to re-connect with their original supporters was the main fault. It is time for them to change their policies.
Whilst the Plaid members in Gwynedd support closing rural schools (apart from about 6) and other plaid members in Wales are supportive to keep them open.
If Llais Gwynedd put themselves forward for the general election in Arfon and Hywel Williams lost say 8% of his vote then he would not be representing the ward in London.
Tra fod Cynghorwyr Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd (namyn 6) yn pleidleisio i gau ysgolion bychan, mae Cynghorwyr Plaid Cymru yn weddill Cymru yn brwydro i'w cadw yn agored. Ar wahan i Lanelli, Dwyfor/Meirionnydd wnaeth plaid Cymru waethaf sef colli 13% o gefnogwyr.
Rwan petai Llais gwynedd yn sefyll yn Arfon ac Hywel yn colli hyd yn oed 8% o'i gefnogwyr, ni fuasai wedyn yn cynrychioli Plaid Cymru yn San Steffan.
I don't think it was the fault of IWJ that Plaid had a terrible election and he should not resign as leader. It is the constant failure of Plaid to re-connect with their original supporters was the main fault. It is time for them to change their policies.
Whilst the Plaid members in Gwynedd support closing rural schools (apart from about 6) and other plaid members in Wales are supportive to keep them open.
If Llais Gwynedd put themselves forward for the general election in Arfon and Hywel Williams lost say 8% of his vote then he would not be representing the ward in London.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Da iawn Louise, wedi cael 15.5% or bleidlais ar y tro cyntaf i sefyll am y Cynulliad. Pwysicach oedd fod Elis Thomas i lawr 13.1%. Mae hynny yn dweud digon am ei boblogrwydd.
Well done Louise who gained 15.5% of the votes at her first attempt at the Assembly Elections. More importantly is that Elis Thomas's vote was down 13.1%. That speaks volumes about his popularity.
Well done Louise who gained 15.5% of the votes at her first attempt at the Assembly Elections. More importantly is that Elis Thomas's vote was down 13.1%. That speaks volumes about his popularity.
Plaid wedi colli Llanelli i Llafur. Fel dwi wedi ei ddweud fe fydd Ynys Môn yn newid hefyd ac fe fydd hi yn agos iawn yn Meirionnydd.
Plaid Cymru has lost Llanelli to Labour. As I have stated, Anglesey will have a new Assembly member by midday today and it is very very close in Meirionnydd.
Plaid Cymru has lost Llanelli to Labour. As I have stated, Anglesey will have a new Assembly member by midday today and it is very very close in Meirionnydd.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Etholiad - The Election
Da chi ewch allan a pleidleisiwch, mae ein cyn dadau wedi ymladd i gael yr hawl i bleidleisio felly peidiwch a gwastraffu eu h'ymdrech nhw.
For goodness sake go out and vote, our forefathers fought to get the right to vote so don't waste their efforts.
For goodness sake go out and vote, our forefathers fought to get the right to vote so don't waste their efforts.
Monday, 2 May 2011
Etholiad - The Election
Llai na wsos i fynd a dyma sut dwi yn ei gweld hi.
Aberconwy: Llafur
Ynys Mon: Plaid yn colli'r sedd
Arfon: Plaid Cymru
Dwyfor/Meirionnydd: Agos iawn rhwng Plaid a Llais Gwynedd
Y gweddill, wel pwy a wyr
Less than a week to go and this is how I see it.
Aberconwy: Labour gain
Ynys Mon: Plaid loose the seat
Arfon: Plaid Cymru
Dwyfor/Meirionnydd: It's very close between Plaid Cymru and Llais Gwynedd
The rest, well who knows.
Aberconwy: Llafur
Ynys Mon: Plaid yn colli'r sedd
Arfon: Plaid Cymru
Dwyfor/Meirionnydd: Agos iawn rhwng Plaid a Llais Gwynedd
Y gweddill, wel pwy a wyr
Less than a week to go and this is how I see it.
Aberconwy: Labour gain
Ynys Mon: Plaid loose the seat
Arfon: Plaid Cymru
Dwyfor/Meirionnydd: It's very close between Plaid Cymru and Llais Gwynedd
The rest, well who knows.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Ble mae Dafydd ?
Llawer o son am etholaeth Meirionnydd/Dwyfor, dim golwg o Dafydd El yn nunlle, dim golwg ohonno yn y hustings, felly lle mae o ?
Lots of people are talking about the Meirionnydd/Dwyfor election as not many have seen Dafydd Elis Thomas anywhere, where is he ?
Lots of people are talking about the Meirionnydd/Dwyfor election as not many have seen Dafydd Elis Thomas anywhere, where is he ?
Friday, 1 April 2011
Priodas Wills a Kate - The Marriage of Wills and Kate
Gan fod neb yng Ngwynedd wedi gwneud cais i gael parti yn y stryd, r'wyn cysidro gwneud cais i gael un ar y ffordd rhwng Pwllheli a Chaernarfon ger giatiau Glynllifon ac ar Nos Wener efo'r ail ran o brynhawn Dydd Sul tan yn hwyr ar Nos Sul. Am hwyl fuasem yn gael !
As no one in Gwynedd has made an application to have a street party, I am considering making one one the road between Pwllheli and Caernarfon by Glynllifon and on a Friday evening with the second part of it to be held on Sunday afternoon until later on the Sunday evening. What fun would we have. Miles of people with 4x4 and jetskis waiting for the party to finish.
As no one in Gwynedd has made an application to have a street party, I am considering making one one the road between Pwllheli and Caernarfon by Glynllifon and on a Friday evening with the second part of it to be held on Sunday afternoon until later on the Sunday evening. What fun would we have. Miles of people with 4x4 and jetskis waiting for the party to finish.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Diddorol oedd ymateb criw Plaid Cymru o Gynghorwyr Tref Caernarfon i gwyn gan berchennog gwesty lleol i sywadau mae wedi ei gael gan ymwelwyr i'r dref. Yn lle delio gyda'r broblem maen't yn gweld bai ar y perchennog am ddod a hyn i'w sylw.
Wel am griw dall, ac yn bendant ddim yn deallt y sefyllfa.
Am flynyddoedd mae Caernarfon yn araf yn dirywio. Cychwyn hyn oedd i Gynghorwyr Caernarfon wrthod i Marks a Spencers ddod i Gaernarfon yn y 1970'au. Ac wedyn aethant i Landudno ac yn eiriau y sais "the rest is history".
Gan fod Plaid Cymru wedi rheoli'r Cyngor Tref ers rhai blynyddoedd, mae'n amlwg fod yna ddiffygion mewn gweledigaeth ganddynt i ddatblygu'r dref yn fwrlwm o weithgareddau.
Mae Bangor yn datblygu, a dweud y gwir mae nifer o drefydd yn datblygu yn neis tra fod Caernarfon yn dirywio i ddim.
Felly chi bobol Dre, mae hi yn amser am newid yn yr etholiad nesaf neu fydd Caernarfon yn wagle o ddifaethwch.
It was interesting to see the reaction of the Plaid Town Councillors in Caernarfon to points made by a local hotelier recently.
Instead of acknowledging the problem and thanking the individual for bringing it to their attention, they see fit to blame the messenger.
What utter contempt from ill advised ill mannered individuals who obviously cannot see the problem and bury their heads in the sand hoping it will go away.
For years Caernarfon has been deteriorating. The start could probabbly be when Caernarfon Town Council in the 1970's refused marks & Spencers to locate in Caernarfon, they then opted for Llandudno, and of course the rest is history.
For many years now, Plaid Cymru have been the majority party on the Town Council and obviously they lack foresight in developing the Town to be a hive of activity.
Bangor has developed nicely and so has many other Towns and Cities nearby.
So the people of Caernarfon it's time for change at the next election or Caernarfon will fall further behind.
Wel am griw dall, ac yn bendant ddim yn deallt y sefyllfa.
Am flynyddoedd mae Caernarfon yn araf yn dirywio. Cychwyn hyn oedd i Gynghorwyr Caernarfon wrthod i Marks a Spencers ddod i Gaernarfon yn y 1970'au. Ac wedyn aethant i Landudno ac yn eiriau y sais "the rest is history".
Gan fod Plaid Cymru wedi rheoli'r Cyngor Tref ers rhai blynyddoedd, mae'n amlwg fod yna ddiffygion mewn gweledigaeth ganddynt i ddatblygu'r dref yn fwrlwm o weithgareddau.
Mae Bangor yn datblygu, a dweud y gwir mae nifer o drefydd yn datblygu yn neis tra fod Caernarfon yn dirywio i ddim.
Felly chi bobol Dre, mae hi yn amser am newid yn yr etholiad nesaf neu fydd Caernarfon yn wagle o ddifaethwch.
It was interesting to see the reaction of the Plaid Town Councillors in Caernarfon to points made by a local hotelier recently.
Instead of acknowledging the problem and thanking the individual for bringing it to their attention, they see fit to blame the messenger.
What utter contempt from ill advised ill mannered individuals who obviously cannot see the problem and bury their heads in the sand hoping it will go away.
For years Caernarfon has been deteriorating. The start could probabbly be when Caernarfon Town Council in the 1970's refused marks & Spencers to locate in Caernarfon, they then opted for Llandudno, and of course the rest is history.
For many years now, Plaid Cymru have been the majority party on the Town Council and obviously they lack foresight in developing the Town to be a hive of activity.
Bangor has developed nicely and so has many other Towns and Cities nearby.
So the people of Caernarfon it's time for change at the next election or Caernarfon will fall further behind.
Thursday, 24 March 2011

Trist yw adrodd fod Cynghorydd poblogaidd o Landegai wedi ein gadael. Bu farw y Cynghorydd John R Jones (neu JR fel eu gelwid) ddiwrnod o'r blaen. Roedd John yn gyn ddreifar ambiwlans cyn ei ymddeoliad ac wedyn gyda nifer o gerbydau priodas delfrydol yn gwasanaethu nifer o briodasau lleol.
Hynod o neis, ac yn cychwyn pob trafodaeth mewn cyfarfod gyda "...thankyou Chair".
Cydymdeimlad mawr i'r teulu oll.
Very sad news that a popular Councillor has passed away. Councillor J R Jones (or JR as he was commonly known) passed away the other day. John was an ex ambulance driver before his retirement and then ran a successful wedding car business.
A very popular Councillor not afraid to speak his mind and when invited to speak at any meeting, he always started "thankyou Chair" in a strong Bangor accent.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to his family.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Mae'r drychineb yn Siapan yn rhoi popeth mewn perspectif.
The tragedy in Japan put's everything in life in perspective.
The tragedy in Japan put's everything in life in perspective.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Mae methiant Plaid Cymru a Llafur yng Nghaerdydd i gefnogi addysg plant Cymru yn warthus. Eu penderfynniad nhw oedd peidio rhoi yr un faint i blant yng Nghymru ag sy'n digwydd yn Lloegr. Hefyd yn y newyddion yw fod Llywodraeth Llundain yn rhoi swm sylweddol o arian er mwyn cadw trethi yn isel. Be sy'n digwydd gan Plaid a Llafur yng Nghymru = DIM BYD.
Maen't yn fwy na hapus i adael pobol Cymru dalu pris uchel yn y dreth.
Plaid Cymru and Labour in Cardiff have failed to support children's education in Wales. It was their decison not to financially support education to the same tune in England and at t £605 less per pupil here in ales, leaves our children at a disadvantage.
Now with the rates, whilst the Governmaent in London have £600 million available for Councils to keep the rates low, here in Wales we are being hit hard by Plaid/Labour pact.
Maen't yn fwy na hapus i adael pobol Cymru dalu pris uchel yn y dreth.
Plaid Cymru and Labour in Cardiff have failed to support children's education in Wales. It was their decison not to financially support education to the same tune in England and at t £605 less per pupil here in ales, leaves our children at a disadvantage.
Now with the rates, whilst the Governmaent in London have £600 million available for Councils to keep the rates low, here in Wales we are being hit hard by Plaid/Labour pact.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Ydi Manceinion a Lerpwl yng Nghymru - Is Manchester and Liverpool in Wales
Roedd y Cynghorydd Dewi Lewis (Penrhyndeudraeth) yn cyfeirio at ychweanegiad mewn trethi yng Ngwynedd o 3.9% yn cadw swyddi, gan gymharu i Gyngor Manceinion a Lerpwl sy'n colli swyddi.
Beth am gymharu efo Cyngor Conwy, Fflint, Ynys Mon a chynghorau eraill yng Nghymru sydd yn codi trethi o ddipyn llai na 3.9%.
Councillor Dewi Lewis (Penrhydeudraeth) referred to anm increase in the rates in Gwynedd of 3.9% in keeping with securing jobs by comparing them to manchester and Liverpool councils.
What about comparing them to Councils in Wales whose rise is much lower.
Beth am gymharu efo Cyngor Conwy, Fflint, Ynys Mon a chynghorau eraill yng Nghymru sydd yn codi trethi o ddipyn llai na 3.9%.
Councillor Dewi Lewis (Penrhydeudraeth) referred to anm increase in the rates in Gwynedd of 3.9% in keeping with securing jobs by comparing them to manchester and Liverpool councils.
What about comparing them to Councils in Wales whose rise is much lower.
Ddoe yn y Cyngor roedd criw Plaid Cymru yn cyfeirio at ddiffyg arian i addysg, roed dy Cynghorydd Siencyn o Ddolgellau yn cyfeirio at golli swyddi yn yr ysgol leol ac wrth gwrs roedd y criw hwn yn dweud mai bai y llywodraeth yn Llundain ydi hyn i gyd.
Mae Addysg wrth gwrs wedi'w ddatganoli i Gaerdydd ac mae yna ddifyg buddsoddiad gan y Cynulliad (sydd wrth gwrs yn cael ei reoli gan Plaid Cymru a Llafur) i addysg yng Nghymru i'r swm o £150 y plentyn.
Felly meddyliwch am ysgol efo 100 o blant, ac mae Plaid Cymru a Llafur yn rhoi £15,000 yn llai i'r ysgol honno na fuasai yn ei chael yn Lloegr.
Felly PLAID CYMRU gwnewch yn iawn a plant yng Nghymru gan roi beth sy'n haeddiannol iddynt.
Yesterday in the Council, the Plaid Cymru Councillors were referring to a shortage of funding in Education. Councillor Siencyn from Dolgellau referred to staff loosing their jobs at a local school and of course they blamed the Government in London for all this.
Education is one of the devolved powers that the assembly decides on and the Welsh Assembly underfunds Education in Wales to the tune of £150 for every child.
Of course the Welsh Assembly is run by PLAID CYMRU AND LABOUR.
So a school with 100 children is underfunded by an amount of £15,000 per annum as compared to a simmilar sized schools in England.
So Plaid Cymru do what is right with children in Wales and increase the amount for education by £150 per child (also whilst your at it, get it ring fenced as well so that 100% goes to Education)
Mae Addysg wrth gwrs wedi'w ddatganoli i Gaerdydd ac mae yna ddifyg buddsoddiad gan y Cynulliad (sydd wrth gwrs yn cael ei reoli gan Plaid Cymru a Llafur) i addysg yng Nghymru i'r swm o £150 y plentyn.
Felly meddyliwch am ysgol efo 100 o blant, ac mae Plaid Cymru a Llafur yn rhoi £15,000 yn llai i'r ysgol honno na fuasai yn ei chael yn Lloegr.
Felly PLAID CYMRU gwnewch yn iawn a plant yng Nghymru gan roi beth sy'n haeddiannol iddynt.
Yesterday in the Council, the Plaid Cymru Councillors were referring to a shortage of funding in Education. Councillor Siencyn from Dolgellau referred to staff loosing their jobs at a local school and of course they blamed the Government in London for all this.
Education is one of the devolved powers that the assembly decides on and the Welsh Assembly underfunds Education in Wales to the tune of £150 for every child.
Of course the Welsh Assembly is run by PLAID CYMRU AND LABOUR.
So a school with 100 children is underfunded by an amount of £15,000 per annum as compared to a simmilar sized schools in England.
So Plaid Cymru do what is right with children in Wales and increase the amount for education by £150 per child (also whilst your at it, get it ring fenced as well so that 100% goes to Education)
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Fe fydd Louise Hughes yn sefyll i Lais Gwynedd yn Dwyfor Meirionnydd. Mae Louise yn hynod o weithgar yn ei ward, ac ddim ofn dweud ei dweud. Rhai yn meddwl nad ydi yn gallu siarad Cymraeg, ond Cymraeg dwi yn siarad efo hi ar bob achlysur. Dysgu'r iaith mae Louise ac wrth gwrs cefnogaeth sydd ei angen ar unigolyn sy'n gwneud hynny. Dyna pam mai siarad Cymraeg efo Louise ydi'r ffordd gorau o ddysgu.
Gan feddwl nad oes arian mawr tu ol i ymgyrch Llais Gwynedd, fe wnaeth yn dda y tro diwethaf yn etholiad Llundain, tydi Elis Thomas ddim hyd yn oed yn boblogaidd ymysg ei gefnogwyr ei hunan, ac efallai ei fod yn amser i'w roi allan.Louise Hughes will be standing as the Llais Gwynedd candidate in Dwyfor Meirionnydd. Louise is extremely hard working in her ward and not afraid to speak her mind. Some believe that she cannot speak Welsh, no idea where that's come from, her husband is Welsh speaking, and so is her daughter, and Louise is a Welsh learner, in fact I always speak Welsh with her so that her Welsh improves.
Llais Gwynedd has not the benefit of large funders (eg. as Watkin Jones has done in the past for Plaid Cymru), and Louise did better than expected at the last election. Elis Thomas is not even popular within his own party, and perhaps now is the time to kick him out.
Gan feddwl nad oes arian mawr tu ol i ymgyrch Llais Gwynedd, fe wnaeth yn dda y tro diwethaf yn etholiad Llundain, tydi Elis Thomas ddim hyd yn oed yn boblogaidd ymysg ei gefnogwyr ei hunan, ac efallai ei fod yn amser i'w roi allan.Louise Hughes will be standing as the Llais Gwynedd candidate in Dwyfor Meirionnydd. Louise is extremely hard working in her ward and not afraid to speak her mind. Some believe that she cannot speak Welsh, no idea where that's come from, her husband is Welsh speaking, and so is her daughter, and Louise is a Welsh learner, in fact I always speak Welsh with her so that her Welsh improves.
Llais Gwynedd has not the benefit of large funders (eg. as Watkin Jones has done in the past for Plaid Cymru), and Louise did better than expected at the last election. Elis Thomas is not even popular within his own party, and perhaps now is the time to kick him out.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Lle gewch chi well ? mae safle yr Eisteddfod am 2012 rhwng Glynllifon a'r Faenol ym Mangor. mae Glynllifon yn leoliad penigamp, mynediad iddo o bob cyfeiriad (Gogs a'r Hwntws), ac nid oes yna draffic gwaith a ballu fel sydd yn mynd am y Faenol. Felly chwi sydd yn gwneud penderfyniadau, ewch amdani, Glynllifon bia hi tro hwn.
Where can you get a better location than Glynllifon ? It's between Glynllifon and Y Faenol. Glynllifon is an excellent location with easy access to the Northies and the Southies. You don't have work traffic as you do with the Faenol site. So those in power do it for Glynllifon.
Where can you get a better location than Glynllifon ? It's between Glynllifon and Y Faenol. Glynllifon is an excellent location with easy access to the Northies and the Southies. You don't have work traffic as you do with the Faenol site. So those in power do it for Glynllifon.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Anghofiwch unrhyw ddadl y bydd yn creu mwy o wleidyddion, ychwanegu at gostau ayyb, mae pleidleisio IE yn golygu na fydd rhaid mynd i Lundain i gael y sel fendith i ddeddfwriaeth.
Felly yn syml, mae'n gwneud synnwyr. Fi fuasai'r cyntaf i roi NA petai unrhyw lefel ychwanegol o fiwrocratiaeth yn cael ei greu fuasai yn costio arian.
Fe fydd y nifer yn dod allan yn isel iawn yn anffodus, dylai'r bleidlais hon wedi bod yr una deg a'run am y cynulliad.
Forget any argument regarding the creating of more politicans and an increase in the level of bureaucracy, and also an increase in public spending, all it is about voting YES is that there would be no need to go to London for the royal (small r) Assent.
So simple, it makes sense. If it meant creating another level of politicans or if it costs more, i would be the first to say NO.
The level of voters that will come out will be very low i'm afraid. This vote should have taken place at the same time as the Welsh Assembly vote.
Felly yn syml, mae'n gwneud synnwyr. Fi fuasai'r cyntaf i roi NA petai unrhyw lefel ychwanegol o fiwrocratiaeth yn cael ei greu fuasai yn costio arian.
Fe fydd y nifer yn dod allan yn isel iawn yn anffodus, dylai'r bleidlais hon wedi bod yr una deg a'run am y cynulliad.
Forget any argument regarding the creating of more politicans and an increase in the level of bureaucracy, and also an increase in public spending, all it is about voting YES is that there would be no need to go to London for the royal (small r) Assent.
So simple, it makes sense. If it meant creating another level of politicans or if it costs more, i would be the first to say NO.
The level of voters that will come out will be very low i'm afraid. This vote should have taken place at the same time as the Welsh Assembly vote.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Tor Cyfraith - Crime
Gwefan newydd wedi'w lansio am hanner nos neithiwr gan yr heddlu.
Os ydych eisiau gweld faint o dor cyfraith sydd yn eich h'ardal chi ewch i , rhowch eich côd post i fewn, clo ar y drws ar ffenest, cadw'r gath yn ty, a byddwch yn barod gyda'r ffôn.
Dwi newydd ei wneud o rwan ac roedd yna 4 trosedd wedi'w gofnodi am fy nghod post I.
Tyda ni yn lwcus yn byw yng Nghefn Gwlad Cymru i gymharu ac efallai canol manceinion/Llundain/Birmingham.
New website launched last night at midnight by the Police.
If you want to see the level of crime in your area, click on the link above, enter your postcode, lock the doors and windows,keep the cat and dog inside and be ready to dial 999.
I've been on for my area and there were 4 offences registered.
We should be lucky living in rural Wales, as compared to Manchester/Birmingham and London.
Os ydych eisiau gweld faint o dor cyfraith sydd yn eich h'ardal chi ewch i , rhowch eich côd post i fewn, clo ar y drws ar ffenest, cadw'r gath yn ty, a byddwch yn barod gyda'r ffôn.
Dwi newydd ei wneud o rwan ac roedd yna 4 trosedd wedi'w gofnodi am fy nghod post I.
Tyda ni yn lwcus yn byw yng Nghefn Gwlad Cymru i gymharu ac efallai canol manceinion/Llundain/Birmingham.
New website launched last night at midnight by the Police.
If you want to see the level of crime in your area, click on the link above, enter your postcode, lock the doors and windows,keep the cat and dog inside and be ready to dial 999.
I've been on for my area and there were 4 offences registered.
We should be lucky living in rural Wales, as compared to Manchester/Birmingham and London.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Mae unrhyw gorff cyhoeddus i hysbysebu unrhyw gytundeb am waith er mwyn denu'r pris gorau (rhataf ran aml), ond ffurfiwyd rhai blynyddoedd yn ol rhyw fath o "construction framework" ble roedd cwmniau yn rhoi prisiau i fewn i wneud gwahannol deip o waith ac wedyn pan oedd asiantaethau cyhoeddus eisiau gwaith wedi'w wneud, doedd dim rhaid tendro, yn hytrach ceir mynd at y cwmni nesaf yn y rhestr a dweud wrthynt i wneud y gwaith am beth bynnag bris maen't eisiau ei roi.
Mae yna dystiolaeth yn bodoli, fod y ffordd hyn o wneud gwaith yn gostus ddiawledig i Gynghorau, ac felly rwyf wedi gofyn i'r archwilydd cyffredinol ac archwilwyr mewnol edrych i fewn i'r holl broses i weld os yw hyn yn "werth am arian" i drethdalwyr.
Cawn weld eu canlyniad.
Any public funded body that requires work done usually tenders out the work to a multitude of contractors for a price (usually the cheapest). Some time ago, a "constructors framework" was created to avoid tendering for work and each company that is listed on the framework obtains work in rotation without tendering.
Firstly this reduces the opportunity for smaller local companies to do the work, and in addition, I very much doubt that the best price is obtained. So I have asked the internal and External Auditor to examine this to see if it is a value for money service for ratepayers.
We shall see their results.
Mae yna dystiolaeth yn bodoli, fod y ffordd hyn o wneud gwaith yn gostus ddiawledig i Gynghorau, ac felly rwyf wedi gofyn i'r archwilydd cyffredinol ac archwilwyr mewnol edrych i fewn i'r holl broses i weld os yw hyn yn "werth am arian" i drethdalwyr.
Cawn weld eu canlyniad.
Any public funded body that requires work done usually tenders out the work to a multitude of contractors for a price (usually the cheapest). Some time ago, a "constructors framework" was created to avoid tendering for work and each company that is listed on the framework obtains work in rotation without tendering.
Firstly this reduces the opportunity for smaller local companies to do the work, and in addition, I very much doubt that the best price is obtained. So I have asked the internal and External Auditor to examine this to see if it is a value for money service for ratepayers.
We shall see their results.
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