Thursday, 9 June 2011


Yn yr 80'au roedd HA HA TY HA yn slogan pan oedd Tai Ha yn cael eu llosgi gan fod pobol lleol ddim yn gallu fforddio i brynu tai yn eu pentrefi/trefi genedigol.Yn answyddogol wrth gwrs roedd yna gefnogaeth gan nifer oedd yn cytuno a'r ymgyrch.

Roedd Cymdeithas yr Iaith, Plaid Cymru ac nifer o bwysigion Cymru yn erbyn i bobol o du allan i brynu tai yng Nghymru a'i gwneud yn dai haf.

Rwan tydi pethau wedi newid.

Faint o aelodau Plaid Cymru sydd efo Tai Hâf ?

Wel galwch o yn dy haf neu "dy teuluol" (ond da ni ddim yn byw yna ac ddim eisiau ei werthu o gan ei fod wedi bod yn y teulu ers blynyddoedd) - ond y gwir amdani ydi mai TY HAF ydio.

Rwan lle mae Ieuan Wyn Jones dyddiau yma ?

Mewn "apartment yn Ffrainc" - Dylid gofyn y cwestiwn os mai ei "Apartment" ef ydi o ynteu llogi'r ystafell y mae.

Hefyd beth am aelodau eraill o Blaid Cymru sydd yng Nghaerdydd a Llundain ?

A oes ganddynt Dai Haf yn rhywle yn y byd ? Sgwn I ?

Mae na air Saesneg da i'r aeldoau yma o Blaid Cymru sydd yn cadw tai haf - Hypocrites.

During the 1980's HA HA TY HA (HA HA HOLIDAY HOME) was a slogan that was used when Holiday Home Campaign was at it's strongest.

Im sure most of you remember the sattirical program "Not the 9'o clock news" where they had a coal fire with flames and the slogan "Come home to a real fire - buy a cottage in Wales"

It was mainly due to the fact that local people were being priced out of the housing market by rich incomers taking the houses.

Now unofficially of course, there was a lot of support from many who agreed with the campaign.

The Welsh Language Society, Plaid Cymru and many of the "important" Welsh icons, were voiceforous in their attack on the holiday home culture. - and rightly so as well.

How have things changed.

How many of the Plaid Cymru members own a second home ?

Call it a "Holiday Home" or a "house that has been in the family for years and we don't want it to leave the family so we keep it for ourselves" - it is still a "HOLIDAY HOME".

Now where is Ieuan Wyn Jones these days ?

In an apartment in France on holiday.

The question that should be asked is: Has he rented it or does he own it ?

Also how many of our elected representatives from Plaid Cymru own a Holiday Home ?

I wonder !

The word for people who preach one thing and do another is hypocrites.

I will do a FOI on it and see what it brings me.


  1. No need to do an FOI for IWJ's bijou retreat in the south of france just go to the register of members interests on the WA web site.

    Yes he does own that small flat with his wife and no he hasn't learned the local language to fit in with the locals....but let's face it, he doesn't even speak to the natives in Ynys Mon.

  2. Well Well Anon, that does sadden me. Hyopocrites, Hypocrites and another Hypocrite.

    Perhaps you would be so kind as to find other Plaid Members who own Holiday Homes and have declared it. What would be interesting is any Plaid representative who haven't declared it.

    Also perhaps any of the Labour/Tories/Lib dems who were outspoken on the Holiday Home issue.

    Monkey says do as I say and not as I do.

  3. IWJ is very circumspect in what he declares. I do notice that Leighton Andrews has a place in Gwynedd as well as his main home but, as you say, it was Plaid that made political capital out of "Tai i pobl leol".

  4. Agreed however I think it's insensetive for any politican in Wales to have a second holiday home albeit Plaid Cymru, labour, Conservatives or Lib Dems.

    Easiest way to get house prices down is to build more of the dam buildings. Consider the workings of macro Economics of supply and demand.

  5. Ta Ta Ty Haf roedd y dywediad!!!

  6. Cywir, rhaid cofio mai ifanc iawn oeddwn I pan oedd hyn yn digwydd.
