Wednesday 12 May 2010


Gan fod y penderfynniad i'r Toriaid a'r Lib Dems ymuno i wneud Llywodraeth, mae criw y Blaid yn neidio i fyny a lawr. Roeddynt yn ddigon parod i ymuno efo'r Ceidwadwyr eu hunain (yn ol Ieuan Wyn Jones), ac hefyd ymuno efo Llafur hefyd. Fel yng Nghaerdydd roeddynt yn barod i ymuno efo rhywyn jyst er mwyn bod mewn pwer.

Felly mae pwer yn bwysicach iddynt na cynrychioli eu pobol !

Mae'n siwr nawr fydd arweinwyr y Blaid yn beirniadu y Ceidwadwyr (gan nad ydynt wedi cael gwahoddiad i ymuno). Mae toriadau yn anorfod, oherwydd diffygion Llafur i reoli yn ariannol yn Llundain. Wn i ddim os fydd y Tories fymryn gwell, ond y ffaith amdani ydi mae yna doriadau ariannol mae'n rhaid ei wneud.

Mae cymaint haws rheoli efo dau parti na ceisio gwneud efo 8. Cawn weld beth sydd am ddigwydd.

As the decision of the Conservatives and Lib Dems is to rule, Plaid Cymru are jumping up and down and shouting from the rooftops. They were quite prepared to join the Conservatives themselves (according to Ieuan Wyn) and also quite prepared to join Labour in their coalition as well, just as long as they were in power.

So being in power is more important to them than representing their people.

So expect the leaders and supporters of Plaid now to criticise the Conservatives and Lib Dems (as they haven't been invited to join). It is inevitable that cuts will have to be made due to the mismanagement of Labour in London. I don't know if the Tories will be any better, but the fact is that because of the situation we are in, cuts have to be made.

It is easier to rule with 2 parties that trying to do so with 8. We shall now have to wait and see what happens.

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