Monday 5 April 2010


Ni chefais wahoddiad i lansiad ymgyrch Plaid Cymru na Llafur yma yng Ngwynedd (Wn i ddim pam !). Felly yr unig bapurau sydd gennyf yw'r Ceidwadwyr. Dwi am ddisgwyl cyn rhoi unrhywbeth i fyny am y "Tories" tan gai weld papurau y 4 plaid arall.

Lib Dems a'r UKIP, Plaid Cymru a Llafur gyrrwch nhw draw i mi er mwyn i mi roi rhywbeth am bob Plaid etholiadol ar y blog.

Yn y gorffennol dwi wedi pleidleisio i Blaid Cymru, Llafur a'r Lib Dems. Plaid Cymru traddodiadol a dim beth sydd ganddom nawr, yr hen Lafur asgell chwith a dim yr un asgell dde Blair/Brown a'r Lib dems gan mi gyrhaeddais y blwch pleidleisio heb wybod i bwy i roi yr X ac methu gwneud fy meddwl i fyny felly croes i'r Lib Dems amdani gan nad oedd dim un o'r lleill yn haeddu fy mhleidlais.

Tydw i erioed wedi rhoi X i'r Ceidwadwyr na chwaith i UKIP gan dwi yn cofio Thatcher yn dwyn fy llefrith yn yr Ysgol ac wrth gwrs y Poll Tax. Yr unig beth da ma y ddynes na oedd iddi ddod a cyfranddaliadau yn y farchnad yn Llundain ar gael i nifer o bobol cyffredin.

Felly does gen i ddim ffyddlondeb i ddim un o'r pleidiau mawr, ond dwi yn ffyddlon i Lais Gwynedd ac i ymdrechu i wneud yn saff fod pobol ward Llanwnda yn cael y gorau o Gyngor Gwynedd.

I didn't get an invite to the Plaid Cymru or Labour's election launch in Gwynedd
(No idea why !). So the only papers i have are the Conservatives. I am going to wait until posting something on the Gwynedd election until i have all the other parties information.

So the Lib Dems, UKIP, Plaid Cymru and Labour send them over to me please.

In the past I have voted for Plaid Cymru, Labour and the Lib Dems. The old tradditional Plaid Cymru of course, not what we have now, and the old left to center Labour not the right wing Blair/Brown and the Lib Dems once as I arrived at the polling station not knowing who to vote for so gave them my X as none of the others deserved my vote.

I have never voted for the Tories or UKIP as I remember Thatcher was the one who "stole" my milk in School and of ocurse the dreaded poll tax. The only good thing about the woman was that she brought share ownership to normal people.

So I have no allegiance to none of the large parties but I am faithfull to Llais Gwynedd and I will always ensure that the people of Llanwnda get the best out of Cyngor Gwynedd.

1 comment:

  1. I apologise for the rant beforehand.

    Cyngor Gwynedd, what has it done for us? Particularly those of us who who subsist in the Snowdonia National Park? Everyone passes the proverbial buck, the WAG, GCC and the SNPA hold their hands up and say the lack of housing and jobs is someone else's problem.

    Today on the the road outside my window is a constant stream of noisy vehicles, 95% of them being tourists looking for something to do on a dank Easter Monday, nothing for kids to do in the rain apart from a walk on the beach or a walk in the mountains where visibility is the length of your arm.

    I too used to vote Labour, then switched to Plaid Cymru because of the promises, now I don't know what to do because politics is bust, I am not alone in my apathy which is why so many useless politicians get in 'power' and repeatedly make a complete hash of everything.

    I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that we in Gwynedd (inl SNPA) are being suppressed by a minority who use cultural identity to futher their own ends.

    As far as meeting any politician is concerned I have never met one at my door, where do they skulk? On Pawb a'i Farn?

    I'll be back as Arnie would say..
