Mi gefais wahoddiad i lansiad ymgyrch y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig (Dim yr un Plaid Cymru ond y Ceidwadwyr eraill !) ym Mangor. Fel roedd hi yn digwydd bod, roeddwn gyda apwyntiad yn ardal Conwy heddiw felly roedd gen i amser bore ma i fynd yno.
Heb wybod be i ddisgwyl, ac dim yn 'nabod ardal maesgeirchen yn dda, roedd y lansiad mewn adeilad o'r enw Glan Cegin.
Ar gael roedd paned. a bechdan bacwn, (yn wahannol i rhyw buffet sych, crisps a ballu).
Dwi yn adnabod Robin ers tua 25 blynedd (ffrind i ffrind ayyb), enw'r ymgyrch yw Adeiladu Arfon (Ond gobeithio fod ganddo lot o frics a cement gan fod yna waith adeiladu yma efo'r diweithdra, diffyg tai i bobol lleol, dim dyfodol i'r ifanc a tlodi).
Mi ddoi yn ol efo sylwadau am yr ymgyrch ar ol darllen y tafleni, yn y cyfamser os ydi llafur a Plaid Cymru eisiau rhoi gwahoddiad i mi i'w lansiad nhw, croeso i chi gysylltu efo fi. Dim pwynt ymestyn i'r Lib Dems, dwi yn cofio mynd i gyfarfod o'r pleidiau yn Y Galeri adeg etholiad y Cynulliad, roedd Llafur yno, Plaid a'r Ceidwadwyr ond dim golwg o'r Lib dems bryd hynny felly pam fydd pethau yn wahannol tro hwn ?
I was invited to the launch of the Welsh Conservatives Election Launch in Arfon (no, no not the Plaid Cymru one). It was at Glan Cegin, Maesgeirchen in Bangor and as it happens i had an appointment in Conwy today so called in on my way there.
I had no idea what to expect and also not knowing the area very well i found the place without any trouble.
Available was a cup of tea/coffee and a bacon butty !! (Nice change from dry sandwiches and crisps).
I know Robin from over 25 years ago (a friend of a friend etc). The name of the campaign is "Building Arfon" (only hoping he has a lot of bricks and cement as there is a lot of building to be done with unemployment, lack of affordable houses, no future for the young, and general depravation amongst many in Gwynedd).
I will come back with comments on the campaign literature once i have had a chance to read them.
In the meantime if Plaid Cymru or Labour wish to invite me to their launch, then by all emans do so, if free i will turn up and listen.
No point mentioning the Lib Dems, I remember a debate in the Galeri once and they were the only party that didnt even have the courtesy to turn up so why will anything be different this time around.
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