Friday 11 December 2009


Ddoe yn y Cyngor daeth y mater cau ysgolion i fyny. Yn ol canllawiau Plaid Cymru, mae yna fygwth nawr i bob ysgol sydd a llai na 60 ynddi felly ardal Bala cawn weld sut fydd Cynghorwyr Plaid Cymru yn mynd.

Cynnigwyd gwelliant gan Gwilym Euros fuasai wedi golygu cydweithio ffurfiol rhwng yr ysgolion ac roedd yn gynnig godigog, ble bu i 25 o gynghorwyr ei gefnogi. Felly roedd deuddeg ohonom o Lais Gwynedd gan gynnwys un Rhyddfrydwr a'r eraill yn Anibynnol gefnogi Gwil ond bu iddo golli.

Felly daeth y cynnig gwreiddiol yn ol o flaen y Cyngor, ac oherwydd nad oeddwn yn canolbwyntio bu i mi mewn cangymeriad i bleidleisio gyda'r "extremists" yn y Blaid (ych a fi), roeddwn ar yr adeg yn siarad a cheisio cyfieithu darn o bapur i fy nghyd aelod Louise Hughes pan waeddwyd fy enw gan y Swyddog Monitro, beth bynnag bu i ni golli o nifer o bleidleisiau er gwaethaf fy mhleidlais i.

Rwan gan symyd i ardal Penllyn y Bala, lle fydd Cynghorwyr Plaid Cymru rwan yn sefyll ta fydd "gweithgor Plaid Cymru" rwan yn gwneud cyfaddawd i Bala ?

Caen weld, beth bynnag mae'r frwydr yn mynd ymlaen, gan pan fydd y mater yn symyd i Arfon, mae yna fygwth wedyn i ysgolion yn fy ardal innau felly mae'n rhaid ei stopio rwan.

Yesterday the Schools closure matter came back up in the Council. According to Plaid Cymru rules, there is a threat to all schools with less than 60 pupils, so in the Bala area, we can see which way Plaid Councillors go.

A betterment was introduced by Gwilym Euros which would have meant a formal co-operation between schools which was indeed a superb opporunities for schools to work together whereby 25 councillors supported it.

So 12 of the Llais Gwynedd Councillors present supported Gwilym on this proposal together with one Lib Dems, and the others being Independants but Gwilym lost the betterment.

So the original proposal came back up, and because I was busy speaking with my Llais colleague Louise Hughes and also translating a document for her, my name was called by the monitoring officer and in the confusion I mistakenly voted with the Plaid "Extremists" (ugh). Anyway, the Plaid motion was carried by a substantial margin (all Plaid, most of the Lib Dems and labour and some Indis) regardless of my mistaken vote.

Now we move to the Bala area, where the Plaid majority working group will tackle this area. Will they offer a solution to Bala ? Who knows ?

The battle goes on as when it moves to the Arfon area, there exists a threat to schools in my ward, so it must be stopped now.

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