Tra yn gweithio ar stondin Llais Gwynedd ddydd Sadwrn, daeth rhywyn roeddwn yn ei adnabod i fewn efo stori i mi.
Roedd yn cael "Beef Dinner" yn un o stondinau mwy mawreddog ar y maes, mewn congl roedd llafnau ifanc hefyd yn cael gwledd a peint, ac yn amlwg yn joio y beint fwy.
Pwy ddaeth i fewn a mynd at ei ffrindiau ond Dafydd (parcio anabl) Iwan.
A dyma sut aeth pethau.
(Dafydd yn dod i fewn a mynd at ei ffrindiau i eistedd, pawb yn siarad ymysg eu gilydd am bethau)
HOGIA: O'i Dafydd ! Lle wyt ti wedi parcio heddiw ?
(Aeth Dafydd Iwan yn goch at ei glustiau, cododd ac aeth allan o'r babell fwyd)
HOGIA : Ie Ie Ie (ac yn chwerthin a gweiddi a clapio)
Nelo ymddiheuro yn y lle cyntaf mae wedi gadael rhywbeth bach fynd yn fawr. Tydi hi ddim rhy hwyr dafydd i ymddiheuro.
Rwan dychmygwch y sin, mae Dafydd yn canu wythnos yma yn y Steddfwd. Os fydd yr hogia hyn yna ac wedi cael mwy o gwrw, Wel fydd yna hwyl os gerddith allan bryd hynny. Ni allaf weld o yn gwneud hynny, mae o yn cael ei dalu wrth gwrs i fod ar y llwyfan.
Whilst working on Llais Gwynedd's stand on Saturday, a couple I know came in and told me this funny story.
They were having a wonderful beef dinner (unless your a veggie of course) in one of the sit down places on the field. In a corner there were some young (ish) lads also enjoying the food but enjoying the beer more.
Who came in but Dafydd (Disabled Parking) Iwan, and went over to sit with some friends.
And this is how things developed.
(Dafydd comes in and sits with his friends, people are talking amongst themselves, just general chit chat)
THE BOYS: O'i Dafydd ! Where have you parked today ?
(Dafydd Iwan went a brighter shade of red, got up and left the tent)
THE BOYS: Yes Yeaah Ha Ha (laughing, shouting and clapping)
Why in heaven's name didn't he apologise at the earliest opportunity , no one knows. But he has allowed a minor issue to become a major problem. It's never too late to say sorry Dafydd.
Now imagine the scene. dafydd is singing sometime this week in the Eisteddfod. If these lads are there, having had more beer and having seen his reaction earlier, imagine what happens when they start to tease him again ?
Will he walk out from the stage if it happens. of course he won't. he's getting paid to sing and stay on the stage.
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