Thursday, 27 August 2009
Tydi nhw yn declyn gwych. Mae hwn sydd gennyf tua 3 oed sef Tom Tom GO910. Tydw i ddim wedi uwchraddio'r map ond tra yn dreifio ar fy ngwyliau yn mynd am Devon efo carafan tua 23 troedfedd tu ol i mi, mi ddywedodd y teclyn "troiwch i'r dde" - Ia yn y Gymraeg, Wyn yw'r llais acen de Cymru, ond ma rhywbeth yn well na Daffy Duck, John Cleese a Homer Simpson, ac wrth gwrs mi wnes hynny. Mi gyrhaeddais ffens a cae a dim ffordd ymlaen. Rwan am hwyl, sut oedd troi carafan 23 troedfedd oedd ynghlwm a Kia Sedona tua 10 troedfedd, mewn llecyn bychan a dyma ble ddaeth teclyn brynais cyn mynd i ffwrdd yn handi sef camera CCTV di wefr oedd yn gefn y carafan a'r sgrin yn y car.
Mi ddois tros y broblem hwn ac wedi cyrraedd adref mynd ar safle TOM TOM er mwyn uwchraddio'r map. £35 - Dim ffiars mi wnai ddisgwyl tan fydd ffordd osgoi Dinas Llanwnda wedi'w chwblhau cyn talu £35 i uwchraddio'r map.
Nawr y wers yn hyn yn syml. Os ydi rhywyn yn dweud rhywbeth nad ydym yn gyffyrddus gyda peidiwch da chi a dilyn y cyfarwyddiadau.
Efallai dylid ambell i Gynghorydd yn Gwynedd ddilyn hyn.
An excellent innovative machine. The one I have is the TOM TOM GO910 which is about 3 years old. I haven't updated the map and whilst driving towards Devon with a 23 foot caravan behind a 10 foot Kia Sedona, the machine said "troiwch i'r dde" - Yes in Welsh, Wyn is the voice, a South Wales accent but at least it's better than Daffy Duck, John Cleese and Homer Simpson, and of course I followed the command.
At the end of the road I reached a dead end, now for the fun part of turning a 23 foot caravan and the car in a small space, and this is where a wireless CCTV system I bough before going and fitted in the van came in handy.
I overcame that problem and after arriving home and going on the TOM TOM website to update the map, had the shock that it would cost £35 for the privilige. Now not being made of money, i have decided to give this a miss until the Dinas Llanwnda by-pass has been completed before paying the £35 for the update.
The lesson from this is of course if someone tells us to do something in which we are not overally happy with, then don't do it.
Perhaps this could serve as a lesson to other councillors in Gwynedd.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Dwi wedi bod i ffwrdd am dipyn efo'r teulu. Wsos yn Casnewydd ac wsos yn Devon oedd y bwriad, ac wedi bythefnos yn y garafan, penderfynnwyd mynd am 'chydig o ddyddiau i Cornwall ac wedyn wsos yn Cirencester.
Yn Cornwall mewn camp y clwb, roedd teulu o Landwrog yn gwersylla, sy'n dangos nad oes neb yn bell o bobol da ni yn ei adnabod.
Cirencester, - set gyffyrddus i'r toriaid. Doedd W H Smith lleol ddim hyd yn oed yn gwerthu Sun a Daily Mirror, ond roedd yn bosib prynu New York Times, Le Pais ac amryw eraill o bapurau Ewropeaidd.
Dim Daily Post a Caernarfon & Denbigh chwaith.
Felly nol a fi i weithio tros y ward ac i floggio ac i fod yn boen yn ochr Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd.
Iv'e been away with the family for a while on holidays. A week in Newport S Wales, and a week in Devon was the intention, and after 2 weeks away, we decided to extend it with a few days in Cornwall and then a week in Cirencester.
In Cornwall in a Caravan Club Site, there was a family from Llandwrog there which shows one can never be too far from home.
Cirencester, - a comfortable seat for the Tories. The local W H Smith did n ot stock The Sun or the Daily Mirror, but it was possible to buy the New York Times, Le Pais and many other European dailys.
No Daily Post or the Caernarfon & Denbigh either.
So here I am, back and ready to continue the work for the electorate in Llanwnda and to continue blogging and be a pain in the posterior for Plaid Cymru in Gwynedd.
Monday, 3 August 2009
Tra yn gweithio ar stondin Llais Gwynedd ddydd Sadwrn, daeth rhywyn roeddwn yn ei adnabod i fewn efo stori i mi.
Roedd yn cael "Beef Dinner" yn un o stondinau mwy mawreddog ar y maes, mewn congl roedd llafnau ifanc hefyd yn cael gwledd a peint, ac yn amlwg yn joio y beint fwy.
Pwy ddaeth i fewn a mynd at ei ffrindiau ond Dafydd (parcio anabl) Iwan.
A dyma sut aeth pethau.
(Dafydd yn dod i fewn a mynd at ei ffrindiau i eistedd, pawb yn siarad ymysg eu gilydd am bethau)
HOGIA: O'i Dafydd ! Lle wyt ti wedi parcio heddiw ?
(Aeth Dafydd Iwan yn goch at ei glustiau, cododd ac aeth allan o'r babell fwyd)
HOGIA : Ie Ie Ie (ac yn chwerthin a gweiddi a clapio)
Nelo ymddiheuro yn y lle cyntaf mae wedi gadael rhywbeth bach fynd yn fawr. Tydi hi ddim rhy hwyr dafydd i ymddiheuro.
Rwan dychmygwch y sin, mae Dafydd yn canu wythnos yma yn y Steddfwd. Os fydd yr hogia hyn yna ac wedi cael mwy o gwrw, Wel fydd yna hwyl os gerddith allan bryd hynny. Ni allaf weld o yn gwneud hynny, mae o yn cael ei dalu wrth gwrs i fod ar y llwyfan.
Whilst working on Llais Gwynedd's stand on Saturday, a couple I know came in and told me this funny story.
They were having a wonderful beef dinner (unless your a veggie of course) in one of the sit down places on the field. In a corner there were some young (ish) lads also enjoying the food but enjoying the beer more.
Who came in but Dafydd (Disabled Parking) Iwan, and went over to sit with some friends.
And this is how things developed.
(Dafydd comes in and sits with his friends, people are talking amongst themselves, just general chit chat)
THE BOYS: O'i Dafydd ! Where have you parked today ?
(Dafydd Iwan went a brighter shade of red, got up and left the tent)
THE BOYS: Yes Yeaah Ha Ha (laughing, shouting and clapping)
Why in heaven's name didn't he apologise at the earliest opportunity , no one knows. But he has allowed a minor issue to become a major problem. It's never too late to say sorry Dafydd.
Now imagine the scene. dafydd is singing sometime this week in the Eisteddfod. If these lads are there, having had more beer and having seen his reaction earlier, imagine what happens when they start to tease him again ?
Will he walk out from the stage if it happens. of course he won't. he's getting paid to sing and stay on the stage.
Fore Gwener roeddwn yn tynny carafan fy rhieni i'r Steddfwd, cyn mynd i weithio ar osod ein pabell i fyny ar y Maes. Mwd, was bach, anobeithiol. Beth bynnag, roeddwn ar y stondin Ddydd Sadwrn, ac roedd ymateb gaethom gan cyhoedd yr Eisteddfwd yn wych ac yn anhygoel. O'r De i'r Gogledd roeddynt i gyd wedi clywed amdanom, yn prynu nwyddau "full speed" ac erbyn diwedd y diwrnod roedd tros 500 wedi arwyddo deiseb yn erbyn Cyngor Gwynedd i gau Ysgolion.
Cymaint yn dweud wrthym eu bod wedi gadael y Blaid oherwydd anfodlonrwydd ar y ffordd mae'n cael ei redeg, ond dwi ddim am son am faterion sydd tu allan i reolaeth.
Beth bynnag, at ganol p'nawn mi sychodd y cae yn wych. Daeth llwyddiant i Fand Deiniolen (da di'r hogia), ac roedd fy nhraed wedi llwyr flino.
Mi gefais gyfle i fynd o amgylch, cefais sgwrs efo Martin Eaglestone (do mi es i babell Llafur - Dim problam, hogia neis Tecwyn, Martin a'r bachgen arall), cefais sgwrs efo'r Ceidwadwyr a'r Rhyddfrydwyr, neb yn groesawgar yn babell y Blaid felly i be af i wastio'n amser.
Ac adref amdani. Stondin y Cyngor yn weithgar, a'r staff yn gweithio yn galed chwarae teg. Lle mae'r Uwch Swyddogion mawreddog ma sydd ganddom yn Gwynedd ? Gan obeithio byddent yn gwneud eu "stint" ar y stondin cyn diwedd yr wythnos. Ar wahan i Dilys a Gwenan wrth gwrs oedd yn gwneud y cysylltiadau ar y stondin ddydd sadwrn.
Friday morning i was towing my parent's caravan to the Eisteddfod, before then helping to set up the Llais Gwynedd stand on the field.
I was working on the stand on Saturday, and the reaction from the general public from the North to the South was totally superb.
All had heard of us, and were buying mugs and t-shirts full speed. By the end of the first day we had over 500 signatures for the petition against Cyngor Gwynedd to close our schools.
Many told us that they had not renewed their membership of Plaid Cymru, because of the way it had become, but I'm not gonna discuss matters beyond my control.
Anyway, by the afternoon, the field was dry. Deiniolen Silver Band had a first (well done the lads), and my feet were tired.
I had some opportunity to go around the field, I spoke with Martin Eaglestone, Tecwyn and another lad on the Labour Stand (no problem with them, they are nice enough), chatted with the Tories and the Lib Dems. There didn't appear to be a welcome on the Plaid stand, so why waste my time.
Home James for it then passing Cyngor Gwynedd stand again, and the staff working hard as usual fair play to them. But where were the Senior Officers ? Hoping that they do some time on the stand sometime during the week. Apart from of course Dilys and Gwenan, who were there on the first Saturday.
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