Friday, 24 December 2010
Ynghannol yr eira y rhew a'r tywydd oer, dymunaf Nadolig Llawen i bawb.
In the middle of the snow, the ice and the cold weather, may I wish a Happy Xmas to everyone.
The picture by the way is from outside my house, it hasnt been gritted and i don't expect it to be done either. The work done by the highways team in gwynedd in the past few weeks has been superb, granted they cannot do everywhere but as long as the main routes are done, and that the grit boxes are refilled in time.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
£8 Miliwn ac 8 Swydd - £8 million and 8 Jobs
Dyna be ydi gwerth am arian. Mae pob swydd sy'n cael eu greu yn costio £1miliwn yr un. Mae na son y bydd swyddi ychwanegol yn cael eu creu i gydfynd a'r buddsoddiad hyn - ga i ddweud wrthych chi rwan, ffigyrau cwmwl y gwcw ydi hyn, dangoswch i mi swyddi go iawn plis.
Beth fuasai yr £8 miliwn hwn wedi'w wneud i gryfhau yr ochr fasnachol busnes yma yng Ngwynedd, mi fuasai wedi creu dipyn mwy na 8 swydd.
Mi fuasai mwy o hwb i economni Pen Llyn yn digwydd petai gwell rheolaeth ar unigolion o ffwrdd sy'n dod yn eu carafanau teithiol, a parcio ar y marina (yn rhad ac am ddim) sydd ddim yn cyfrannu yr un centan goch i'r economi leol (gan yn eu carafannau moethus mae eu holl fwyd, diod a phopeth i wneud eu wythnos o hwylio yn gyffyrddus).
Felly Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli - llongyfarchiadau i ddechrau ar yr £8 miliwn, ond yn y dyfodol peidiwch a chaniatau i'r bobol yma barcio ar eich tir yn y Marina, gyrrwch nhw i faes carafannau cyfagos.
Is that worth the money ? Each job created costs £1 million each. There is talk of additional jobs being created due to this £8 million - may i say that is cloud cuckoo figures, show me real jobs please.
What would £8 million do to strengthen the Business Sector in Gwynedd ? a lot more than 8 jobs.
There would be more of a boost to the Socio Economic situation in llyn if there was better control on the parking of motorhomes and caravans parking on land adjacent to the Sailing Club on the Marina (who incidentally park there overnight free of charge, carrying their food and drinks and everything that they need).
So Pwllheli Sailing Club - Congratulations for the £8 million, and in the future, anyone who wants to park on the land next to your club, send them to a local caravan site please.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Roedd y brotest heddiw yng Nghaernarfon yn erbyn toriadau. Toriadau y Ceidwadwyr i S4C, a thoriadau Plaid Cymru yma yng Ngwynedd.
Llongyfarchiadau i Anwen Davies o Lais Gwynedd oedd yno yn siarad.
I bobol Cymru gymeryd S4C o ddifrif, mae'n rhaid i Fwrdd yr Awdurdod sortio eu hunain allan, mae'r mater os oedd y cadeirydd wedi ymddiswyddo neu beidio yn wirion bost ac ddim wedi gwneud unrhyw les i ddelwedd y sianel.
Bai pwy yw'r toriadau. Llafur am fynd a ni i'r twll, Ceidwadwyr am dorri y pethau anghywir, Rhyddfrydwyr am ymuno a'r Llywodraeth, ta Plaid Cymru am ymuno a Llafur yng Nghaerdydd. Wn i ddim. Ond un peth yn bendant, tydi hi ddim yn bai fi.
Today there was a protest today in Caernarfon against the cuts. The Tories in cutting funding for S4C and the cuts that Plaid Cymru are doing here in Gwynedd.
Congratulations to Anwen Davies from Llais Gwynedd who spoke at the demonstration.
For the people of Wales to take S4C seriously, the Board must sort themselves out. The matter of the Chairman resigning or not was farsicle and did nothing to the reputation of S4C.
Whose fault are all these cuts ?
Labour for years of mismanagement ?
Conservatives for cutting funds in the wrong place ?
Lib dems for joining the Conservatives or Plaid Cymru for joining Labour in Cardiff.
I have no idea. But I know it's not my fault.
Llongyfarchiadau i Anwen Davies o Lais Gwynedd oedd yno yn siarad.
I bobol Cymru gymeryd S4C o ddifrif, mae'n rhaid i Fwrdd yr Awdurdod sortio eu hunain allan, mae'r mater os oedd y cadeirydd wedi ymddiswyddo neu beidio yn wirion bost ac ddim wedi gwneud unrhyw les i ddelwedd y sianel.
Bai pwy yw'r toriadau. Llafur am fynd a ni i'r twll, Ceidwadwyr am dorri y pethau anghywir, Rhyddfrydwyr am ymuno a'r Llywodraeth, ta Plaid Cymru am ymuno a Llafur yng Nghaerdydd. Wn i ddim. Ond un peth yn bendant, tydi hi ddim yn bai fi.
Today there was a protest today in Caernarfon against the cuts. The Tories in cutting funding for S4C and the cuts that Plaid Cymru are doing here in Gwynedd.
Congratulations to Anwen Davies from Llais Gwynedd who spoke at the demonstration.
For the people of Wales to take S4C seriously, the Board must sort themselves out. The matter of the Chairman resigning or not was farsicle and did nothing to the reputation of S4C.
Whose fault are all these cuts ?
Labour for years of mismanagement ?
Conservatives for cutting funds in the wrong place ?
Lib dems for joining the Conservatives or Plaid Cymru for joining Labour in Cardiff.
I have no idea. But I know it's not my fault.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Fel da chi yn gwybod, dwi ddim yn gefnogwr o ieuan air ond mae'r penderfynniad i roi £1.2 miliwn y flwyddyn ir gwasanaeth yn wirion bost. Yn enwedig pan gefais wybodaeth am beth ddigwyddodd ychydig yn ol.
Gweinidog yn y cynulliad yn gyrru ei gerbyd (sydd gyda llaw yn cael ei dalu ganddom ni) i fyny i'r Gogledd gyda'i swyddog PR a'i ddreifar. Mae yntau wedyn yn hedfan gyda Ieuan Air i'r Fali ble mae ei gerbyd yno yn ei ddisgwyl. Yna ymweld a 2 gwmni yn y gogledd cyn i'r cerbyd fynd ag ef yn ol i'r Fali er mwyn iddo hedfan yn ol i Gaerdydd. Ac wedyn wrth gwrs, mae'r cerbyd yn cael ei ddreifio yn ol i Gaerdydd yn barod at ei drip bach nesaf yn y de.
Gwastraff ta be.
Y cwestiwn ydi pwy oedd y gweinidog. Wel Mr Gweinidog, dwi yn gwybod pwy wyt ti, dwi hefyd yn gwybod i pa gwmnniau oeddet yn ymweld a nhw a faint o funudau/eiliadau wnaethost aros gyda'r cwmniau hynny.
As you may well know, I am not a fan of Ieuan air, and the decision to give them £1.2 million of public funds is totally nuts, especially when i heard about this story.
A minister in the Welsh Assembly Government sent his public funded vehicle with his PR and his personal driver up from Cardiff to Valley whilst he flew up the same day. The car was waiting for him on his arrival in Valley which then took him to see 2 companies here in the North West.
After the short/brief/very brief visit the car took him back to Valley for his flight back to Cardiff whilst the car then with driver and PR drove down the A470.
What a waste.
The question is Who is the Minister ?
Well Mr minister, i know who you are, I also know which companies you visited, and I also know how many seconds you stayed with those companies.
Are our Assembly Ministers too proud to travel the A470 like the rest of us, my message is if you don't like the A470 in it's present way, then do something about it and spend this £1.2 million annually on it.
Gweinidog yn y cynulliad yn gyrru ei gerbyd (sydd gyda llaw yn cael ei dalu ganddom ni) i fyny i'r Gogledd gyda'i swyddog PR a'i ddreifar. Mae yntau wedyn yn hedfan gyda Ieuan Air i'r Fali ble mae ei gerbyd yno yn ei ddisgwyl. Yna ymweld a 2 gwmni yn y gogledd cyn i'r cerbyd fynd ag ef yn ol i'r Fali er mwyn iddo hedfan yn ol i Gaerdydd. Ac wedyn wrth gwrs, mae'r cerbyd yn cael ei ddreifio yn ol i Gaerdydd yn barod at ei drip bach nesaf yn y de.
Gwastraff ta be.
Y cwestiwn ydi pwy oedd y gweinidog. Wel Mr Gweinidog, dwi yn gwybod pwy wyt ti, dwi hefyd yn gwybod i pa gwmnniau oeddet yn ymweld a nhw a faint o funudau/eiliadau wnaethost aros gyda'r cwmniau hynny.
As you may well know, I am not a fan of Ieuan air, and the decision to give them £1.2 million of public funds is totally nuts, especially when i heard about this story.
A minister in the Welsh Assembly Government sent his public funded vehicle with his PR and his personal driver up from Cardiff to Valley whilst he flew up the same day. The car was waiting for him on his arrival in Valley which then took him to see 2 companies here in the North West.
After the short/brief/very brief visit the car took him back to Valley for his flight back to Cardiff whilst the car then with driver and PR drove down the A470.
What a waste.
The question is Who is the Minister ?
Well Mr minister, i know who you are, I also know which companies you visited, and I also know how many seconds you stayed with those companies.
Are our Assembly Ministers too proud to travel the A470 like the rest of us, my message is if you don't like the A470 in it's present way, then do something about it and spend this £1.2 million annually on it.
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