Mae unrhyw gorff cyhoeddus i hysbysebu unrhyw gytundeb am waith er mwyn denu'r pris gorau (rhataf ran aml), ond ffurfiwyd rhai blynyddoedd yn ol rhyw fath o "construction framework" ble roedd cwmniau yn rhoi prisiau i fewn i wneud gwahannol deip o waith ac wedyn pan oedd asiantaethau cyhoeddus eisiau gwaith wedi'w wneud, doedd dim rhaid tendro, yn hytrach ceir mynd at y cwmni nesaf yn y rhestr a dweud wrthynt i wneud y gwaith am beth bynnag bris maen't eisiau ei roi.
Mae yna dystiolaeth yn bodoli, fod y ffordd hyn o wneud gwaith yn gostus ddiawledig i Gynghorau, ac felly rwyf wedi gofyn i'r archwilydd cyffredinol ac archwilwyr mewnol edrych i fewn i'r holl broses i weld os yw hyn yn "werth am arian" i drethdalwyr.
Cawn weld eu canlyniad.
Any public funded body that requires work done usually tenders out the work to a multitude of contractors for a price (usually the cheapest). Some time ago, a "constructors framework" was created to avoid tendering for work and each company that is listed on the framework obtains work in rotation without tendering.
Firstly this reduces the opportunity for smaller local companies to do the work, and in addition, I very much doubt that the best price is obtained. So I have asked the internal and External Auditor to examine this to see if it is a value for money service for ratepayers.
We shall see their results.